Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Interview

I had an interview at County Market. I was a little nervous but the manager didn't say much. That made me feel a little less nervous. His name is Kevin.

The manager told me what I am going to do there. I will be restocking shelves, taking the baskets to the containers (there's one in the produce section and one by the glass doors in front), and labeling the fruits and veggies in produce (by putting up the signs).

I will be working 2 days a week for 2 hours. That's enough for me!

Next I have to go to orientation at the store on Philo Road. I will need to bring my ID (I have a state ID and a DASH pass, both work), social security card, and a pen. I will need to sign some stuff before I can start. Mr. Slagor and Michele will be there to help me out with signing the papers.

On Fridays I am going to work as a volunteer at Salt & Light. Salt & Light is a place where people donate clothes and food for people who need it. Volunteers organize the things into bags or bins so it's easier for people to find the items.


  1. Taylor,

    It was so nice reading your blog post. I am so proud of you and I KNOW that you are going to do a great job at County Market. I don't think there is another 18 year old young lady who knows more about the grocery store and food!

    Be proud of your new job and work hard!

    I love you,


  2. Taylor -
    How exciting! It sounds like you will be keeping busy this semester and learning some great job and life skills!

    PS - I have never followed a blog before....yours is my first! :)

