Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Something People Really Liked: Crab Rangoons

This is a recipe for crab rangoons I found on I typed in "crab rangoon recipe" on Google and found this recipe as the first option. I have used before to find recipes and I have the app on my iPod Touch that I have also used. 

Crab Rangoon:

8 oz of cream cheese
6 oz of crab meat (packaged imitation worked for me)
2 green onions, sliced thin
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon light soy sauce
wonton wrappers (found in the vegetable aisle)

1. Preheat the oven to 425

2. Lightly spray the baking sheet with cooking spray

3. Combine all the ingredients except for the wonton wrappers in a bowl.

4. Place 3 wonton wrappers on the baking sheet. Put 1-2 teaspoons of filing in the middle of each wonton wrapper.

5. Get your finger wet with water, trace around the edges of the wonton wrapper and then fold the wonton in half. Poke down the edges until it's closed.

6. Continue until your are out of filing. 

7. Put the tray in the oven for 12-15 minutes.

8. Eat and Enjoy!

TJ Review:
Great! I liked them a lot! I like these at restaurants and I thought it would be interesting to make them myself. They were different then the ones at a restaurant because the shell was a little softer. I think that's because they deep fry theirs and we baked ours. We don't have a deep fryer, but I wish we did. I wonder how long you have to deep fry them? The staff really liked them. Mrs. Roberts even wanted the recipe from me! Mike, my step-dad, had one.  I don't remember what he thought about it, but I bet he liked it :) I will definitely make these again!


  1. I love Crab Rangoon, Taylor! I cannot wait to make these sometime! Happy eating! :)

  2. Mike and I made 85 of these last night for a party at Ashley's house.

    People loved them and we were sure to tell them that you gave us the recipe! Thanks for the yummy recipe!

    -Mrs. Slagor
